Infamous 2 kuo
Infamous 2 kuo

infamous 2 kuo

What it doesn’t tell you is the fine details of the first game’s excellent story which includes the fact that YOu are really Kessler and have gone back in time to prepare you for what is to come. Sure, it explains that you have received your powers from a horrible accident and that you confronted a man named Kessler and took him down to save the city. The game gives you a short refresher course at the start but there are many, many gaps that are glossed over. First off, the storyline of the new game is based heavily on your knowledge of the previous events. The experience of the original inFAMOUS is important for a number of reasons.

infamous 2 kuo

I need to emphasize the benefit of having played the original game when it comes to starting this new adventure. If it wasn’t broke, Sucker Punch did try to fix it and if there were issues or complaints, they did their best to address every one of them. inFAMOUS 2 takes everything that made the first game great and refines it to an almost perfect formula. You had to live with your decisions and so did everyone around you. Sure, you could wipe out that legion of enemies marching your way down the street, but what about the bystanders and the collateral damage that you would likely cause? Not only did such decisions have an impact on your present situation(s), they also impacted the future in your game.


Rather than just hand you a set of powers and set you free in a world to do as you will without repercussions, the game added in not only the struggle(s) to develop your powers but also the moral and personal dilemmas that stemmed from their usage. There is something “special” to the inFAMOUS formula of a superhero video game. Here we are, nearly 2 years to the date of the first game’s release and inFAMOUS 2 has launched for Sony’s PS3. Considering the success of the first game, the idea of creating a sequel was pretty much a no-brainer. The game received praise from both critics and fans alike and has earned a spot as one of the PlayStation 3‘s best titles to date. The game was about more than just having powers but the struggle to understand those powers and to relate to a powerless world around you once you receive that “gift”. Instead of putting the player into the shoes of an already established super-persona such as Spider-Man or Superman, inFAMOUS chronicled the story of an ordinary man who became extraordinary. Superhero video games are / were nothing new, but inFAMOUS was different of game.

infamous 2 kuo

That happened with Sucker Punch’s inFAMOUS back in 2009. It makes sense that a videogame which allows you to do just that, become more than a mere-human and become an actual superhero, would strike a chord with the masses. I have been there myself and I am sure may of you have too. For some reason I cannot explain, there is an inherent draw in every child’s imagination to be “super”. Let’s be perfectly honest, who hasn’t dreamed of being some sort of superhero at some time or another? I think that we all have everyone has tied a towel or blanket around their neck like a cape and take off running, just to feel the wind hit your face and blow the cape into the air, at some point in their childhood.

Infamous 2 kuo